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I think the SIM encounter went well. I tried not to prepare a script or very specific things I wanted to say because when I am nervous, I tend to forget all of those things and then stress myself out that I am not saying what I rehearsed. For this SIM encounter I instead chose 5 topics to address with the mom; what OT is, what SPD is, John's sensory profile results, the 3 things OT would do to address his sensory needs (deep pressure, linear movement and oral motor input) as well as his sensory schedule. As long as I addressed those things I felt confident that I would be able to fill in the rest with she was telling me and any additional information I thought of on the spot. I wanted to be present and be able to listen to everything she had to say instead of thinking in my head what thing I needed to say next. If I was given the opportunity to do the SIM over I think I would address how much I smiled, I was trying to come off calm and inviting to let her know that John was going to be okay and that we could work together. Two ways in which an attitude of caring can be communicated to a client/caregiver are nodding when they are talking to let them know that you hear them and you understand what they are saying as well as asking for their input. I believe I did a good job of incorporating these two things into the encounter. I think the more we do these encounters, the more comfortable we as students get with the 'unknown' of it, which better prepares us for the clinical world.
Until Next Time,
Sam the Student
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